Engineering & Technology


“To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope”, so eloquently said by Herbert Hoover, American mining engineer and 31st U.S President. Indeed the creative outputs of engineers are ever-present and they articulate the inventiveness of the engineers’ minds.

The Aldersgate College of Engineering and Technology, for its part, has always been responsive to educational trends and challenges that are brought forth by the knowledge-driven global environment to prepare young men and women become technological leaders of tomorrow.

Quality outcomes:

The College of Engineering and Technology has consistently produced graduates who perform fairly well in the  Board Licensure Examinations.

We are happy to claim that our Board Passers who are among the many innovative project leaders, creative problem solvers and responsible stewards of the country’s and the world’s resources today, were once students that sauntered the walkways and hallways of Aldersgate College.

I believe that this came about as a result of the diverse involvement of our students in both academic and co-curricular programs, in preparation for life-long survival in the real world ahead.  Their training has honed their skills and developed their competency, ready to embark on the many job opportunities in the world of work for which they were equipped.

Our 4-year and 2-year programs are recognized by the duly accredited government agency, i.e. the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (now Commission on Higher Education) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

Quality  Educational PROCESSES

Since the advent of green engineering, the College of Engineering and Technology  responded promptly by infusing renewable energy and geo-environmental subjects and course outlines in the educational environment to upgrade awareness and competence of the teachers and students. The Engineering programs and academic contents are constantly enhanced and the curricula, so fashioned to be globally competitive,   undergo regular revisions to meet the diverse academic demands and possibilities that abound in the engineering culture.

I encourage you to visit our Website for more information about our course offerings, instructional modules and integrated syllabi, tests and tutorials.

To our students pursuing the engineering and technology career path, believe that learning knows no bounds. It requires much more than awareness of new technology. The search for knowledge is a never-ending quest and extends a lifetime. The choices are infinite and the results, uncertain. However, whatever you want to do with the knowledge you have acquired and the choices you make afterwards, try to make a difference.

Aldersgate College joins you in your  aspiration to leave the school as a complete personality bringing with you wherever you go its three-fold goal of academic excellence, social relevance, and spiritual nurture.

May I end by quoting the words of the founding dean of the Aldersgate College of Engineering and Technology, Engr. Ruperto A. Bayabos, “Lend me your son; I will give you back an Engineer.”  Indeed, you have been lent to us by your parents. We then send you back as engineers. But the kind of engineers you will become will be up to you.

Engr. Godofredo M. Batarao Jr., RGE, RCE
Dean, College of Engineering and Technology


The College of Engineering, Informatics and Technology shall become an innovative research organization implementing pioneering and high priority development projects; and providing specialized training and continuing education to local and international students and professionals in the fields of Engineering, Information, Communications and Technology.


The College of Engineering, Informatics and Technology will develop professionals who are imbued with high ethical values and acute sense of awareness for the sustainable development of the country and each people in the fields of civil; electrical; environmental and renewable engineering: information and communication; and technology.

Curricular Strategy

The College of Engineering, Informatics and Technology was established to train students using competency-based and laboratory-and-work oriented teaching methods.

To reinforce the verbal and analytic skills of students, a set of English Language Proficiency Courses is Incorporated in the curriculum. These courses are implemented with the assistance of the Aldersgate College Global Outsourcing Center (ACGOC).

Multi-media and simulation are likewise intensively used in instruction. The educational resources for these multi-media resources are developed in-house and provided by the Paragon Review Center (PRC). The use of computer is intensive for students taking-up information technology, Computer-Aided Design, structural analysis, estimation and project management subjects.

To integrate teaching and ICT in research, development programs and resources of Aldersgate Computer Institute (ACI), resulting to the effective delivery of enriched learning through in-house synthesis of theories and best industry practices.

Using advanced software developed by Aldersgate Computer institute (ACI), regular achievement testing, course audits, teacher evaluation and remedial teaching are conducted to monitor and improve student performance to pass local as well as overseas licensure examinations.

For laboratory and field practice, students are extensively exposed to the operations of affiliate private and government organizations involved in power generation, transmission and distribution, construction and electronics and communications.

Critical Expertise RequiredInstructional Strategies
1.1 Communication Skills 
Personal & Organizational CommunicationMulti-Media and Information & Communications TechnologyOral & Writing Skills DevelopmentHands-on laboratory training on Professional Applications SoftwareLearning ModulesMulti-Media Presentations
1.2 Analytical Skills 
Critical Thinking ProficiencyResearch ProficiencyExaminationsGraded RecitationProject & Case StudiesPresentationsReaction PapersResearch PapersThesis & Dissertation
1.3 Specialized Skills 
ICTComputer-Aided Design & Project ManagementCivil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringRenewable Energy EngineeringInnovative International competency-based CurriculumPracticumPeer & Team TeachingRole PlayingEducational TourSeminars, Workshops and Trainings
1.4 International Skills 
Multi-Cultural and Multi-LanguageInternational Experiences and LinkagesForeign Travels & linkagesKnowledge of Foreign Language
1.5 Integrated Management Skills 
Leadership & Strategic ManagementStudents use their own professional work situations for project and case analyses, thesis and dissertation.

Academic Programs

  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) (Download CurriculumLadderized Curriculum)
    PRC Licensure Exam:
     Electrical Engineering
    Ladderized to: 
    Certificate in Electrical Technology (ELT)
    Provides   education in the fundamentals of electrical engineering that will allow him to be immediately competitive in industry or in graduate work including management and entrepreneurship. Graduates must be have solid background in mathematics, natural, physical and allied sciences, with emphasis on the development of analytical and creative abilities, and a breath of knowledge of the Electrical Engineering disciplines through a set of core courses which will enable them to achieve success in a wider range of career.
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) (Download Curriculum)
    PRC Licensure Exam
    : Civil Engineering
    Ladderized to
    Provides  in the fundamentals of civil engineering that will ensure articulation and understanding of the nature of his/her special role in society and the impact of their work on the progress of civilization. Graduates must have solid background on the basic principles of mathematics, natural, physical, and allied science, and knowledge on Civil Engineering disciplines with emphasis on fundamental knowledge, transferable, and lifelong learning.
  • Certificate in Electrical Technology (ELT) (Download Curriculum)
    TESDA Skills Tests: Certificate in Building Wiring NC II
    Provides training  in consumer and industrial electricity. Employs skills-oriented curricula. Instruction is aimed at the achievement of competencies through the acquisition of knowledge, values and hands-on practice of clearly defined skills under standards and conditions specified by business and industry.
  • Certificate in Electronics Technology (ELX) (Download Curriculum)
    TESDA Skills Tests: Certificate in Consumer Electronics NC II
    Designed for careers in consumer and industrial  electronics.  Employs skills-oriented curricula. Instruction is aimed at the achievement of competencies through the acquisition of knowledge, values and hands-on practice of clearly defined skills under standards and conditions specified by business and industry.
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology