Today’s health care system requires its practitioners to use avant-garde expertise and machinery that can provide fast and accurate patient care. Health care professions are assuming an increasingly important role in the lives of people in all walks of life. The scope of the patient care environment has stretched beyond the patient and his or her immediate setting. Globalization requires healthcare providers to adapt to the changes in the universal context. Today, patients, students, clinical instructors and staff nurses differ in many ways culturally, ethnically, and spiritually. And because of this, healthcare providers must be able to incorporate cultural influences into standard and conventional nursing practices.
The School of Medical Sciences of Aldersgate College recognizes its essential role and responsibility in meeting the needs of the global community by delivering quality education to the Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Services students. This is accomplished by utilizing globally competitive curricula,Integrated Syllabi, Instructional Modules, Tests and Tutorials. Its line of faculty boasts of educationally qualified nurses endowed with commitment to excellence. The school likewise makes full use of the benefits of cyber technology by providing Online Education through the Center for International Education (CIE), and the development of the Academics Software and e-Resource Library. These strategies will assist in shaping competent nurses, midwives and healthcare providers. The school has embraced a commitment to educating engaged nurses, midwives and healthcare providers ready to make a difference.
We aim at improving the fair performance of our graduates in the Nurse Licensure Examinations and at the same time prepare them become effective and efficient healthcare providers in a variety of settings and locations.
To empower our students for the prevailing state of affairs of the medical world, we provide them with hands-on training to hone their patient care skills and train them to integrate and apply classroom knowledge to practical situations. Our students also avail themselves of a huge array of curricular and extracurricular activities making them well-rounded individuals.
I invite you to visit our website for information on our programs and related areas. Join the Aldersgate College School of Medical Sciences for your Nursing, Midwifery, or Healthcare Services course and benefit from the transforming academic, social and spiritual climate of the college
The School of Medical Sciences shall become a frontline research organization, implementing high-priority development projects, and providing specialized and continuing education to local and international students and professionals.
The School of Medical Sciences will develop professionals in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery, and the Allied Health Sciences, capable of providing disciplined, competent, and creative care of their patients and clients within a multi-national and multicultural work environment.
Curricular Strategy
The School of Medical Sciences was organized in 1992. It offers nursing and midwifery programs that satisfy the requirements of international academic standards and conventions.
To reinforce students’ verbal and analytical skills, a set of English Language Proficiency Courses is incorporated into the curriculum. These courses are implemented with the assistance of the Aldersgate College Global Outsourcing Center (ACGOC).
Nursing Informatics courses, which are necessary to prepare students for the more sophisticated healthcare environments evolving today, are also given emphasis.
Multi-media and simulation are likewise intensively used in instruction. The educational resources for these multi-media resources are developed in-house and provided by the Paragon Review Center (PRC).
Using advanced software developed by the Aldersgate Computer Institute (ACI), regular achievement testing, course audits, teacher evaluation, and remedial teaching are conducted to monitor and improve student performance to pass local as well as overseas licensure examinations.
For hospital practice, the School of Medical Sciences utilizes the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital as its base hospital. It also utilizes the Veteran’s Regional Hospital, Ifugao Provincial Hospital, and Salubris Medical Center as local affiliating hospitals. It likewise conducts student practicum activities in Rural Health Centers of various Local Government Units and is continuously involved in relief and community mobilization work with the Nueva Vizcaya Health Coalition.
In addition to these, the School of Medical Sciences maintains training affiliations with specialized Medical Centers in Metro-Manila such as the Philippine Orthopedic Hospital, National Center for Mental Health, and San Lazaro Hospital.
Critical Expertise Required | Instructional Strategies |
1.1 Communication Skills | |
Personal & Organizational CommunicationMulti-Media and Information & Communications Technology | Oral & Writing Skills DevelopmentHands-on laboratory training on Professional Applications SoftwareLearning ModulesMulti-Media Presentations |
1.2 Analytical Skills | |
Critical Thinking ProficiencyResearch Proficiency | ExaminationsGraded RecitationProject & Case StudiesPresentationsReaction PapersResearch PapersThesis & Dissertation |
1.3 Specialized Skills | |
Maternal NursingPediatric NursingCare of Adults & AgedCommunity HealthPsychiatric NursingNursing Administration & Supervision | Innovative International competency-based CurriculumPracticumPeer & Team TeachingRole PlayingEducational TourSeminars, Workshops and Trainings |
1.4 International Skills | |
Trans-Cultural NursingInternational Experiences and Linkages | Foreign Travels & linkagesKnowledge of Foreign Language |
1.5 Integrated Management Skills | |
Nursing Leadership & Strategic Management | Students use their own professional work situations for project and case analyses, thesis and dissertation. |
Academic Programs
- 4-Year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) (Download Curriculum)
This program aims to develop professional nurses equipped with excellent attitude, knowledge and skills, who can function effectively in general and specialized nursing environments in different cultural milieu and work settings.
The School of Medical Sciences allows open admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing course. This democratic policy notwithstanding, graduates pose respectable passing rates in the Nurse Licensure Examinations.
This is a result of the excellent classroom instruction and the more than adequate laboratory equipment, books, and multi-media learning resources available to students. In addition to this, hands-on training in affiliated hospitals and rural health units are undertaken extensively by students.
Advanced English Language Proficiency Courses (IELTS, TOEFL, TSE) and Nursing Licensure Examinations Review (Philippines & USA) are also integrated in the curriculum. This is advantageous especially for nursing students intending to work abroad. Job referrals to foreign Hospitals and Health Services Organizations are thus likewise provided to the students.
In the Philippines, graduates are accredited as professional nurses after passing the Nursing Licensure Examinations conducted by the Professional Regulatory Commission.
Graduates of the nursing program are recognized to have satisfied the nursing curricula of USA and Canada and are allowed to work immediately after passing the licensure examinations in these countries without need to take additional nursing subjects as in the case of nurses who finished the combined Associate of Science in Health Education (ASHE)-B.S. Nursing course in the Philippines. - 2-Year Nursing Assistant Course (NA)
Major in: Geriatrics; People with Disabilities: Children
This program aims to develop dedicated and competent Nursing Assistants who are skilled in the the care of the elderly, adults, children and people with disabilities
Nursing Assistants have always worked alongside nurses. And as a result of nurse shortages in developed countries and the growing demand for affordable health care, Nursing Assistants are much sought after as health providers in a variety of settings, such as, community health centers, metropolitan hospitals, nursing homes, maternity clinics and long-term care facilities.
Nursing Assistants are also trained to bridge the gap between the community and the formal health care system by providing maternal and child care, care for families in the homes, and conducting health promotion and education campaigns in the community.
Graduates of the Nursing Assistant program are qualified to enrol in the 3rd year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing course. Graduates of this course can also gain a Certificate in Health Care Services NC-II after passing the skills certification test conducted by the Technical Education and Skills Development authority (TESDA). - 4-Year Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM)
The Bachelor of Science in Midwifery program consists of gerenal education and professional courses which prepare registered midwives for higher level midwifery comptencies. The program includes Clinical Practicum in Management of OB Emergencies and High Risk Pregnancies, Care of Infants and Children, Comprehensive Family Planning, Community Health Service Management, Midwifery Pharmacology, Research, Entrepreneurship, Administration and Supervision. Students of teh program may select from any of the following Midwifery Majors: Education, Community Health, Reproductive Health, Administration and Supervision or Health Care Facility Management.The Bachelor of Science in Midwifery aims to:
Develop higher level competencies of a midwife as a health care provider: educator, researcher, supervisor and health care facility manager/entrepreneur.
Specifically, this enables the graduates to- give the necessary supervision, care and advice to high risks parturient;
- execute emergency measures in the absence in the absence of medical practitioners;
- provide family planning services;
- provide Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) services;
- management MCH clinics at the community level;
- facilitate community organizing and social mobilization for community development
- engage in independent, entrepreneurial health activities including management of primary health care facilities;
- implement/manage midwifery programs;
- perform other health related functions as may be deemed necessary by appropriate agency.
- 2-Year Diploma in Midwifery (DM)
A 2-year program consisting of general education and professional courses which prepare students for entry-level midwifery competencies. This 2-year direct entry program includes Clinical Practicum in Foundations of Midwifery, Normal Obstetrics and Care of the Newborn, Introduction to High Risk Obstetrics, Basic Care of Infants and Feeding, Basic Family Planning, Primary Health Care and Midwifery Ethics, Law and Practice. Graduates of the program are qualified to take the government licensure examination.
The Diploma in Midwifery aims to:- develop the knowledge, attitude and skills of first level midwives in the care of the girl-child, the adolescent, and the adult woman prior to, during, and following pregnancy. This prepares the midwives to:
- give the necessary supervision, care and advice to women during pregnancy, labor and post-partum period;
- manage normal deliveries on her own responsibility and care for the child.
- specifically, graduates of the 2-year program are expected to
- perform primary health care services with in the community (promotive and preventive care);
- counsel and educate women, family and community regarding family planning including preparation for parenthood/parenting;
- detect abnormal conditions in the mother and infant;
- procure specialized assistance as necessary (consultation or referral).
- develop the knowledge, attitude and skills of first level midwives in the care of the girl-child, the adolescent, and the adult woman prior to, during, and following pregnancy. This prepares the midwives to:
- Graduates of the Diploma in Midwifery Program are expected to be able to:
- Provide the necessary supervision, care and advise to low-risk women during pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Specifically, they should be able to:
- Obtain pertinent history;
- Perform physical assessment including vital signs taking;
- Do simple laboratory examinations such as hemoglobin determination and urine test for sugar and albumin;
- Assess the progress of labor;
- Perform relevant midwifery procedures;
- Provide appropriate care to the mother and the newborn;
- Provide life-saving measures during obstetrical emergencies such as administering IV fluids cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
- Detect abnormal conditions of the mother and/or newborn; and
- Facilitate referrals as necessary.
- Perform Primary health care services within the community. Specifically, they should be able to:
- Implement government health programs following proper protocols;
- Administer first aid measures as needed;
- Give appropriate health teachings to individuals, families and the community;
- Supervise barangay health workers; and
- Manage a barangay health station.
- Provide the necessary supervision, care and advise to low-risk women during pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Specifically, they should be able to:
- Graduates of the Midwifery course are qualified to enroll in the 3rd year of the Bachelor on Science in Nursing course.After passing the Midwifery Licensure Examinations conducted by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), graduates of this course can be employed locally (as rural health workers, midwives) or abroad in developed Asian and Western countries (as family care givers, tutors).