AC Inc. Expands Youth Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Collaboration

AC Inc. Sets Direction for IP Youth Agri-Entrepreneurship Program, Expands Collaboration with CHED, TESDA and DA-ATI

In the bid towards strengthening its partnership with government especially in the reaching out of the youth in deprived, depressed and underserved IP communities, Team AC Inc. moves forward with the information derived from consultations with CHED, TESDA and DA-ATI to offer TVET courses within ladderized programs which are aimed at developing agri-entrepreneurship and biodiversity projects at Mount Palali in the Municipality of Quezon, Nueva Vizcaya.

While the property is being prepped to become an Agricultural Learning Site in the immediate term, it is envisioned to be the center of more future engagements, in the hope that it shall also house ACians Village, the Sports Program, and become an expansion campus for the School of Criminology and the Aldersgate Divinity School & Episcopal Area Training Center.

At its core shall be Ladderized programs which will provide opportunities for learners and graduates to immediately find work given various exit points upon earning the required competency as well entry points back into the course when they are ready to pursue further education.

On the other hand, with agri-entrepreneurship, IP farmers’ making a living from agricultural products and activities within the Sierra Madre Mountain Range will benefit from AC Inc.’s entrepreneurial interventions in the form of new agricultural inputs, models and practices which shall strengthen the agri-entreneur’s value chain, resulting in higher product yield and investment returns.