With the goal of making available to Aldersgate College stakeholders varied options in the crucial area of systems management, the Chief Executive of the College, Rev. Dr. Micah Ryan B. Ramel, in the spirit of a bridging dialogue, met with Ariel Evangelista, an AC alumnus, now techpreneur, who presented possible alternatives to optimize the present system’s setup.
Mr. Evangelista took up both computer and accounting courses at Aldersgate College during the early 1990s, and put his learning to good use at New Zealand Milk, before deciding to set up his own tech enterprise which now takes him to various locations in the country. He returns to his alma mater to guide/mentor a team that shall expose learners to real-world projects and current industry practices, through the Aldersgate College Computer Institute (ACCI) Director Marlou Felix S. Cunanan and incoming Knowledge Management Officer Erwil David Pasion. Mr. Evangelista has also agreed to be lined up as an adjunct professor of the College of Engineering, Informatics, and Technology (CEIT) to help bolster the depth of the IT faculty lineup.
The Bridging Leadership session with Sir Ariel was participated in by VPFD Carolyn A. Amaranto, Campus Minister Rev. Henry B. Agonias, and the rest of the IT mentors and tech support personnel.
The President has envisioned an AC Open Distance E-learning (ODEL) management system with the students and alumni as collaborators and prime movers.