Today marked the third and last day of virtual accreditation activities which began on Wednesday, December 6, 2022, with a virtual campus tour and courtesy call with the School President, Rev. Dr. Micah Ryan B. Ramel followed by interviews with the Vice Presidents Divina Gracia B. Apolonio (Academics), Engr. Josephine P. Jasmin (Administration), and Carolyn A. Amaranto, CPA (Finance). Interviews with the Heads of Programs under Survey (Engr. Romeo M. Bicad, Ph.D., Mr. Jose B. Omingle, and Mrs. Cely B. Luna) together with Assistant Deans and Program Coordinators, as well as the College Librarian, were conducted in the afternoon in separate breakout rooms. Accreditors were given a virtual tour of physical plants and facilities followed by a dialogue with faculty and alumni. Documents were examined in the Virtual Exhibit Room (VER) in the late afternoon. Accreditors began Day 2 with interviews with the directors and administrators of the different service units followed by the alumni, student leaders, and support staff of the College. Classes were also observed during the day. Day 3 continued with the observation of classes, interviews with the recipients of extension and outreach services, and a discussion with members of the Board of Trustees. The activities formally ended with a conference with the President and the Quality Assurance Director Bernadette C. Blanche.
The members of the accrediting team from the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities – Accrediting Agency, Inc. (ACSCU-AAI) included the overall coordinator from the Philippine Christian University Dr. Eunice D. Mercado, Dr. Dempsey O. Depayso from King’s College of the Philippines, Dr. Leah P. Mangohig and Prof. Jorgia P. Credo from the Trinity University of Asia, Dr. Gina B. Garcia from General De Jesus College, Prof. Ken Gie Anthony G. Cruel from Holy Cross College, Ms. Jocelyn R. Tandang form Christian School International, and Ms. Evalinda M. Balawing from Saint Theresa’s College.
Kudos everyone for a job well done!