MDIV Students Collaborate with AC Leaders in Brainstorm Sessions for Enhanced Church Programs and Strategic Management

Master of Divinity (MDIV) Students, led by the AC Divinity School & Episcopal Area Training Center (ADS & EATC) Officers, in Weekly Brainstorm Sessions with the AC Chief Executive and Research Director
To bolster the competencies of the pastors and lay leaders for their various roles in the mission and ministry of the local church, with the centrality and utility of the discipline of research for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating relevant and responsive church programs, projects and activities, the ADS & EATC Officers, led by Rev. Dr. Marcel Tanguilan and Ms. Jenny Jane Corpuz, Dean and Coordinator, respectively, have included a once a week brainstorm session with the AC Chief Executive and the Research Director, to be participated by all interested MDIV students.
The ADS & EATC approach, which emphasized the utility of the case method and the practicality of the action research, with a mentoring and coaching support system, aims to allow the learners to learn and experience strategic management during their stay at ADS & EATC, especially that they serve in their pastoral assignments and/or lay servant ministries, while enrolled in the MDIV program.
The AC Chief Executive and the Administrators of the ADS & EATC have purposively begun the work of bringing the whole of Aldersgate College closer to the community, especially the local churches, which includes opening up the MDiv course also to interested Lay Leaders, both from the UMC and other Christian churches.
The College Chaplain and the Campus Ministry Team have a complementary program, for both in-house and community clients. An article about this is in the offing.